Leviton Universal Toggle Slide Dimmer - Light Almond

A savings estimate is not available for this product. While this product may help you save money and natural resources, determining the savings estimate is difficult due to the nature of the product. Several reasons include:

  • This product works in conjunction with other products to reduce and save.
  • This product teaches you how to reduce and save.
  • This product is used to monitor your energy and/or natural resource consumption.
  • The individual usage of this product varies greatly.
  • This product does not reduce energy and/or natural resource consumption.

Leviton Universal Toggle Slide Dimmer - Light Almond

Leviton Toggle Slide Universal Dimmers provide smooth, slide-action, full-range dimming for incandescent, dimmable LEDs and dimmable CFL loads. They combine a toggle switch with a full-range slide bar for precise lighting control. For a traditional home, the classic style of Toggle Slide Controls offers the ideal way to upgrade the functionality of devices without compromising the character of the décor.

Universal Dimmable LED, CFL, Incandescent and Halogen Toggle-Slide Dimmer, 600W-120VAC Incandescent, 300W-120VAC 60Hz, Single Pole and 3-Way - Light Almond


The savings for this bundle of products consists on the total savings for each individual product. To learn more about how savings are calculated click the 'learn more' link on each product.

A savings estimate is not available for this product. While this product may help you save money and natural resources, determining the savings estimate is difficult due to the nature of the product. Several reasons include:

  • This product works in conjunction with other products to reduce and save.
  • This product teaches you how to reduce and save.
  • This product is used to monitor your energy and/or natural resource consumption.
  • The individual usage of this product varies greatly.
  • This product does not reduce energy and/or natural resource consumption.